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Raw Green Apophyllite Gemstone Cluster,

Regular price $28.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $28.00 USD
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Green Apophyllite cleanses and balances the Heart Chakra energy. It brings clarity to decisions and situations of the heart by allowing the holder to see all sides of the issue, untainted by fear or ego.

Green Apophyllite can assist in the “letting go” of issues that no longer serve and allow the act of forgiveness and healing. It will balance the emotions with a gentle, loving energy and enhance spiritual growth.
The gem's purple colors represented purity of spirit. Its purplish and reddish hues represented the chastening and purifying effects of suffering.

This apophyllite is about 4.30oz.

Size: 2.86 inches in length, 1.31 inches in width, 0.25 inches in height.